Re: L0pht Advisory: LPD, RH 4.x,5.x,6.x

From: Oliver Friedrichs (ofat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 13:19:49 PST

  • Next message: Dave Dittrich: "Re: Analysis of "stacheldraht""

    Theo de Raadt and myself spent some time back in 1997, when I worked for
    SNI, identifying and fixing these vulnerabilities in the BSD derived lpd
    subsystem.  All of the problems disclosed in the original SNI advisory
    (now NAI) and the current l0pht advisory were solved at that point (in
    the OpenBSD version). The original advisory can be found at:
    At the point of the original advisory, more people started reviewing lpd,
    and I believe even more problems were fixed, including a multitude of
    buffer overflows.  Many other vendors were found to be vulnerable to these
    problems as well, and as many as possible were contacted.  At one point
    I'm sure that the general Linux lpd was also updated, but obviously this
    was lost somewhere in time (and I don't know how Redhat decides what to
    use).  Since most lpd implementations out there (in commercial operating
    systems) are based on the BSD lpd, I would have no problem assuming that
    many of these are still vulnerable.  Infact, I would suggest someone sit
    down and review the changes made to the OpenBSD lpd, and make sure that
    RedHat is up to date in that respect, even after this latest patch.

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