Re: usual iploggers miss some variable stealth scans

From: Oliver Friedrichs (OFriedrichs@SECURITY-FOCUS.COM)
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 11:36:01 PST

  • Next message: Jesper M. Johansson: "Re: XML in IE 5.0"

    > [ snip - note that it is often exactly bugs in the
    > is-this-an-existing-
    >   connection lookup that os detection code exploits. ]
    You'd be suprised at how untrue this is (the "often" part).  While much
    of whats publically available may do this, there are many other
    variables in a stack unrelated to TCP state that can be used to identify
    an OS - and are also virtually impossible for someone to fix.  Virtually
    every commercial and free OS supports different IP otions, and will
    handle them in different ways.  It would be virtually impossible to get
    every vendor to synchronize what they support.  TCP options give you
    even more variety.  CyberCop Scanner 5.5 uses a variety of these methods
    to identify the target OS..  Anthony Osbourne can probably comment more
    on this..  I don't believe any of this is proprietary, since you can see
    it with a sniffer anyways - and the arachNIDS database at
    detects this.
    - Oliver

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