Re: XML in IE 5.0

From: David LeBlanc (dleblancat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 09:48:26 PST

  • Next message: Tabor J. Wells: "Re: Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS00-005)"

    At 10:00 AM 1/19/00 -0500, Jesper M. Johansson wrote:
    >What you are talking about is the Run As... feature.
    >However, it is still severely lacking, compared to a *NIX su:
    >The Run As... is a nice feature, and a good bit better than the NT4 RK SU,
    but it is nowhere near a *NIX su yet, unfortunately.
    One thing that makes RunAs work better in some cases is to give it the
    switch to load the profile of that user, much the same as su -l.  There are
    also potential issues with running applications with different user
    contexts on the same desktop, as they could be built to interact with one
    If you really want to completely change contexts, and have everything work,
    then install Terminal Server in administration mode.  You can then start a
    TS session back to yourself.  This isn't an option on a workstation,
    though.  I use TS quite a bit to do things over a dial-up, and am happy
    with the response even over a modem.
    David LeBlanc

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