RFPoison is not a trojan, and the source will prove it

From: .rain.forest.puppy. (rfpat_private)
Date: Sat Jan 22 2000 - 13:44:52 PST

  • Next message: Jonah Kowall: "Re: Vulnerabilities in Checkpoint FW-1 version 3.x and maybe 4.x"

    It seems an AVP trojan signature has been pegging RFPoison.exe (the one
    available on my website, PacketStorm, etc) as Trojan.Win32.Aleph.  I can't
    find any information on this trojan.  My personal feeling is that it's a
    false alarm, but in any event, I wanted to make amends.
    I placed a new .zip/.exe on my site that contains a freshly-compiled
    version that does not report as being Trojan.Win32.Aleph.  As a bonus, I
    also made the source code available, so you can compile yourself.  I also
    modified the source (and therefore the new binary) to not reboot/crash
    when you use it.
    Thank you, you may now go about your business.
    - rain.forest.puppy

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