Re: Windows 2000 Run As... Feature

From: David LeBlanc (dleblancat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 09:00:57 PST

  • Next message: Steve VanDevender: "Re: S/Key & OPIE Database Vulnerability"

    At 08:45 AM 1/24/00 -0500, Jesper M. Johansson wrote:
    >>In all the hubbub over whether the semantic of the Run As... feature
    >>in Windows 2000, a much more important shortcoming is that this is
    >>the first time (I know of) that the system asks for your password
    >>through a mechanism other than the trusted path (ctrl-alt-del to
    >>login, ctrl-alt-del to change password).  This is an unfortunate
    >>compromise in an otherwise useful feature.
    >How much of a compromise is it really? I just looked at the executable
    >and it seems to be reasonably tightened down with only RX for Users,
    >PowerUsers and Everyone. Unless there is some backdoor to replace the
    >directory entry that's about the best we can do.
    There's a couple of additions - first of all, there's no way to script the
    password - it is going to prompt you for it, so that's a little bit of an
    As has been discussed here before, there are a number of places that a
    Windows system will look for a binary, so to be really sure that you're
    getting the one in system32, use the Run button from the start menu - it
    only looks in %systemroot% for things.
    I've often been frustrated trying to figure out _which_ binary I'm running,
    so I wrote this.  BTW, the documentation on the SearchPath() API tells you
    just where the OS looks, and in what order.  A couple of lines are wrapped.
    ===================== which.c ==============================
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
            char buffer[1024];
            DWORD buflen = 1024;
            char* filepart;
            DWORD ret;
            char* extension;
            if(argc < 2)
                    printf("Usage is %s [filename]\n", argv[0]);
                    printf("Simple wrapper around the SearchPath function\n");
                    printf("Comments to: dleblancat_private\n");
                    return -1;
            //if they don't supply the .exe, give them one
            extension = strrchr(argv[1], '.');
            //note - if you really wanted, you could try other extensions
            //but most of what NT runs on is .exe, so..
            if(extension == NULL)
                    ret = SearchPath(NULL, argv[1], ".exe", 1024, buffer,
                    ret = SearchPath(NULL, argv[1], NULL, 1024, buffer,
            if(ret == 0)
                    printf("Cannot find %s\n", argv[1]);
            else if(ret < 1024)
                    printf("%s\n", buffer);
    		   //if you want to be fancy, put it in a loop, malloc the
                    //buffer, and all that.  Most of the time, this works.
                    //if it doesn't work for you, either use a bigger buffer
                    //or get fancy
                    printf("Path longer than 1024 characters\n");
                    printf("If you really need to display paths > 1024\n");
                    printf("Go write your own, or complain to
            return 0;
    David LeBlanc

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