Re: Windows 2000 Run As... Feature

From: Steve Wolfe (steveat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 12:03:21 PST

  • Next message: Jesper M. Johansson: "Re: SAS behavior in Windows NT - RE: Windows 2000 Run As..."

    > NOT TRUE... In every version of windows ive used (upto win2k rc2)
    > the start->run command will run any executable in your %path%.
      Not to mention that it will look in the "Current Working Directory"
    *before* searching the path, the same principle as having a "./" as the
    first thing in your search path in Unix.... odd that most everyone in the
    world would recognize that as a very bad thing except for Microsoft.  It's
    even more dangerous in the GUI environment where people are (a) more likely
    to forget the concept of a current working directory, and (b) there's
    nothing to tell you what the CWD is, short of opening a command prompt -
    and then, depending on how it's opened, it still may not show you.

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