Re: "Strip Script Tags" in FW-1 can be circumvented

From: Bret Piatt (dknightat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 08:44:52 PST

  • Next message: James Lin: "Re: "Strip Script Tags" in FW-1 can be circumvented"

    Arne Vidstrøm wrote:
    > The "Strip Script Tags" in FW-1 can be circumvented by adding
    > an extra <
    > before the <SCRIPT> tag
    > I'm not able to check it on version 4.0 since
    > I don't have access to it.
    I've tried this on FW-1 version 4.0 SP4, on NT4 and it strips the code as
    it's supposed to do. That is,
    <<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    is altered into
    <<SCRIP! LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    which the browsers will disregard. It's a bit silly that the alert("hello
    world") isn't cut away, though, so "< alert("hello world") test" is what
    your page looks like in web-browsers.
        I recall Georgi posting something about doing other malformed tags to
    cause problems with's javascript filtering.  Does FW-1
    block if you <SCRIPT L\0x41NGUAGE="JavaScript"> or all other
    such bastardizations thereof?  I did some quick testing to make sure
    that IE 5.0 still accepted the tag <script L\0x41NGUAGE="JavaScript">
    but I don't have access to a FW-1 wall to check its filtering.
        If a firewall software is going to "filter" all or desired scripting
    from web pages it can't be the position of the firewall vendor that the web
    browsers are processing malformed tags and they can't be expected to check
    for all of them.  It'd be like your alarm company saying "Well that burglar
    cut the exposed wires we left! How can we stop that?".  The firewall
    developers should be working with browser vendors (or put together their
    own testing team if the browser vendors aren't willing) to find every way
    that undesired code can be executed not just the "proper" way.

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