"The Finger Server"

From: Iain Wade (iwadeat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 03:36:55 PST

  • Next message: Eric D. Williams: "Re: Bypass Virus Checking"

    Late last year I was tinkering w/ The Finger Server v0.82 and came
    across some bugs which let you execute shell commands under the
    privileges of the web server.
    It's available at http://www.glazed.org/finger/
    I sent a number of messages to the Author but never received a reply ..
    I just remembered about it and checked it was still vulnerable and still
    being used around the net. It is.
    It's just another case of perl doing it's magic on an open() call.
    I haven't by any means audited the code, so there is undoubtably other
    problems, but here's the offending code I exploited:
        open (PLANS, "$plan_path$filename") ||
                do { print "Can't open $plan_path$filename: $!";
    It is called with the following arguments;
    It does minimal checking before there, really only making sure the
    username is valid, but for example by using:
    you can execute whatever ..
    The server I was testing it on was running UBB, and I was easily able to
    use this to grab a couple of thousand accounts since it stores them in
    cleartext. (I promptly forgot those passwords .. it wouldn't be nice to
    do otherwise right? :)
    Iain Wade

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