Re: recent 'cross site scripting' CERT advisory

From: Marc Slemko (marcsat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 05 2000 - 09:52:11 PST

  • Next message: Jesús López de Aguileta: "More SQL hacking with IIS 4 through Access Driver"

    On Fri, 4 Feb 2000, Tim Hollebeek wrote:
    > Misconception #2: This problem is "new"
    > Security experts and hackers have been aware of the ability to exploit these
    > problems for a long time, but creators of web sites and web-enabled software
    > have for the most part not paid adequate attention to these problems.
    > CERT's motivation appears to be to raise awareness of these significant
    > dangers in the hopes that future and existing systems will be
    > (re-)engineered with these problems in mind.
    > Misconception #3: This problem has never been exploited by hackers.
    > Many of the problems with Microsoft's hotmail have been due to attacks which
    >  fall within the range of this security advisor, as does the eBayla attack
    > on eBay.
    Erm... you are still missing the entire point of the advisory and the
    entire new aspect of it.
    The know issues you describe are where user B posts content that
    user A can see.  This issue is about something that user A requests
    and only user A sees.  The first issue is old, and is what your
    examples are.  The second has never been widely recognized, and
    where it has been recognized the implications have not been
    understood.  The fact that the first scenario is old news and
    largely dealt with (although certainly not completely; there are
    still javascript holes in hotmail, etc.) is expliciltly pointed
    out in the CERT advisory, and it makes it clear that the real meat
    of the issue being discussed is the second class of sites.
    Sure, they all end up boiling down to the same basic thing, but
    the methods of attack are different and the sites impacted by the
    second class of attacks are orders of magnitude larger.
    A huge number of sites (eg. you can steal accounts on at least half
    of the top 10 web sites, including several commerce sites) are
    impacted by this to varying degrees.  Many or most of them don't
    realize it.  The message to them: GET WITH IT!  I'm sure that as
    nasty people start realizing this, you will see a lot of exploits
    being posted.  They aren't hard to find.
    It is critical to realize this.  I have talked to people at a couple of
    top ecommerce sites that were completely vulnerable to this attack.  They
    had no idea of their exposure.  Had they seen the CERT advisory?  Well,
    of course.  But they didn't think it mattered to them.
    This also brings to the forefront a lot of other issues that have
    been lingering, such as the dangerous of persistent signons and
    single signon systems (which can sometimes be exploited without
    this cross site scripting problem by getting someone to follow the
    right link) and the fact that it is _extremely_ difficult to properly
    encode or filter things, especially if you want to allow "safe"
    HTML through.  This is a major issue.
    Things users should do:
    1. Disable scripting if possible.  See the CERT advisory and MS docs for
    info on this.  Note that this is not a complete solution, because the
    problem is not a scripting problem.  Scripting languages just make it
    easier to exploit because they have fairly complete control over what
    the user sees and does.  Disabling scripting languages, however, obviously
    isn't possible all the time.
    2. Do not use a mail reader that forces you to display HTML messages.
    Using something like Outlook Express is very dangerous, since it
    means that you can be exploited if an email message arrives in your
    inbox and is displayed.  If you do use something like Outlook
    Express, be sure to configure it to disable scripting and make it
    as restrictive as possible.  Unfortunately, in the case of Outlook
    Express, this doesn't appear to be enough since I can't find any
    setting that will stop things like IFRAMEs from automatically
    loading, which are enough to make you vulnerable in many situations.
    Hopefully I'm missing something.
    3. Do _NOT_ enable the option of keeping yourself persistently
    logged in at any site that matters at all.  Persistent logins make
    it far easier to steal cookies that allow others to steal your
    account.  Be especially wary of sites with a single login system
    for a lot of sites, such as (which includes hotmail, etc.
    through MS Passport) and (which includes yahoo mail),
    since any single site in that domain that is vulnerable will
    compromise your cookies (and account) for the entire site.  Some
    sites don't provide obvious ways to logout, such as Amazon.  On
    those sites, often a "Not user foo?  Click here" link will log you
    out.  Use it.  And make sure the site knows that you want the option
    of not being persistently logged in.
    4. Don't randomly follow links that you are sent.  Unfortunately, for
    many users, when combined with (2) this is impossible.
    5. Even if you think you are safe because a site asks for a password
    before letting you do anything having any real consequence, be
    wary.  I have found a number of top sites where this is improperly
    implemented:  ie. if you know where the particular page the form
    submits to is (and this is normally the same for all users, possibly
    with some session identifier appended), you can access it directly
    without having to supply any password.
    Things web developers should do:
    1. Read all the recommendations in the CERT advisory, the Apache info, and
    the Microsoft info.  I think the MS info contains the most detailed
    information in a lot of areas here.  Do what this info says.  Namely,
    properly filter or encode all output.  Unfortunately, figuring out what
    "properly" means and how to do it is not as trivial as some documents
    would make it seem.
    2. Pay particular attention to any software you run.  At last count,
    at least IIS5, Apache, WebSite Pro, Roxen, Netscape Enterprise,
    Zeus and thttpd had vulnerabilities in their default configurations,
    to the best of my knowledge.  Some are fixable with config changes
    (eg.  override default error page), some may not be.  Of these,
    Apache's vulnerabilities are probably the smallest, as they are
    almost entirely based on not specifying an explicit charset.  See
    point 3 below.  Get in touch with your vendor; if your vendor says
    they aren't vulnerable, be dubious; they may not understand the
    problem.  Note that while software like webservers is a small part
    of the problem, and the easiest part to fix, if it isn't fixed then
    fixing all your code does no good.
    3. Pay particular attention to the charset issue.  If you don't specify an
    explicit charset on your documents, it is possible the client could
    interpret "+ADwK-" as "<" if it is using UTF-7.  IE even gives
    users an "auto-select" option that will make this trivial.  For
    those lucky enough (or english-centric enough) not to have to deal
    with multiple charactersets, the Apache patches released allow
    you to force every resource on your server to be sent with a charset
    that you specify regardless of what module, etc. it is sent from.
    4. Remember that if you are using domain based cookies (eg. instead of host based cookies (eg. then
    _any_ vulnerable server in your domain will make you vulnerable,
    even if that server doesn't do anything that matters.
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