Re: recent 'cross site scripting' CERT advisory

From: Ari Gordon-Schlosberg (regsat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 07 2000 - 15:55:00 PST

  • Next message: Byron Alley: "Re: Fwd: CERT Advisory CA-2000-02"

    [Bill Thompson <billat_private>]
    > One form of protection from a truly *cross-site* attack that I didn't
    > see mentioned in the CERT advisory is the trusty "HTTP_REFERER"
    > check. But then, with so many sites using affiliate programs to get
    > their search boxes and book-buying links distributed across the Web,
    > there may be few major e-commerce sites that block requests based on
    > the referral source.
    HTTP_REFERER is trivial to spoof, and it's likely that anyone perpetrating
    a sophisticated attack would laugh at having to spoof the Referer: header.
    It's a form of trusting the client, which is a big, huge, no-no.  It's okay
    if you're trying to protect from someone seeing a page that should
    register for (like downloading a white paper), because it's not worth an
    attackers trouble to circumvent something like.  But Referer: should never
    be used as a security measure.  Hell, anyone with telnet can spoof a Refer:
    Ari							there is no spoon
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