Re: Fwd: CERT Advisory CA-2000-02

From: Byron Alley (liondiosat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 07 2000 - 13:02:08 PST

  • Next message: Seth David Schoen: "Re: Tempfile vulnerabilities"

    Henrik Nordstrom a dit:
    > For the case of publishing information on a shared web site using strict
    > HTML filterin is also beneficiable as it forces all authors to use a
    > common HTML dialect, guaranteed not to disturb the site enforced layout
    > or presentation, and helps keeping the information authors on track for
    > providing the information rather than fiddling around to much in layout
    > or presentation details.
    Some web sites use an implementation based on this idea of a subset of
    HTML.  You don't even need to use real HTML - just take the most useful
    functions, like bold, italics - and build a sub-language.  In at least one
    case I recall, a site used a format with []'s: [B] instead of <B>, etc.
    This way you can safely remove any kind of tags, translate >'s to &gt;
    entities, etc.  Naive users may not even know HTML anyways, and advanced
    users will find it intuitive.
    It's questionable whether there is real usefulness in allowing a full
    range of HTML tags.  This solution fits.
    - Byron
    Prizes are for children.
    - Charles Ives, upon being given, but refusing, the Pulitzer prize
    Byron Alley  -->

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