MySQL 3.22.32 released (fwd)

From: Jonas Eriksson (jeat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 07:37:45 PST

  • Next message: Darren Reed: "Re: DDOS Attack Mitigation"

    Jonas Eriksson
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 15:02:46 +0200 (EET)
    From: Michael Widenius <montyat_private>
    Reply-To: montyat_private
    To: announceat_private
    Subject: MySQL 3.22.32 released
    MySQL 3.22.32 fixes a couple of possible security holes in MySQL 3.22
    and we strongly recommend everyone to upgrade to them.
    Changes in release 3.22.32
       * Fixed problem when storing numbers in timestamps.
       * Fix problem with timezones that has half hour offsets.
       * `mysqlhotcopy' - fast on-line hot-backup utility for local *MySQL*
         databases. By Tim Bunce.
       * New more secure `mysqlaccess'; Thanks to Steve Harvey for this.
       * Fixed security problem in the protocol regarding password checking.
       * Fixed problem that affected queries that did arithmetic on GROUP
       * Fixed a bug in the `ISAM' code when delating rows on tables with
         packed indexes.
    3.23.x will be released within a couple of days (We only have to check
    that the new CHECK and REPAIR commands works properly before doing a release)
    Note that if you get a file not found error when trying to download,
    this just means that the mirror you are using is not yet up to date;
    In this case wait a couple of hours and try again.

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