Re: sshd and pop/ftponly users incorrect configuration

From: Marc SCHAEFER (schaeferat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 06:44:08 PST

  • Next message: Viktor Fougstedt: "Re: Serious bug in MySQL password handling."

    On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Nick Lamb wrote:
    > 1. Is this a bug (which will be or has already been fixed in OpenSSH)
    it's a bug, a feature, and a misconfiguration. The bug is SSH issuing
    local redirecting connections with root. This was presumably fixed in
    OpenSSH. The feature allowing to open connections coming from localhost
    for valid (with a shell) users is a feature, and the misconfiguration is
    forgetting DenyGroups on users supposing not to be able to log in
    except e.g. for mail.
    The real issue is however the common misconception that setting /bin/false
    to a user shell to prevent it to login while still allowing reading POP
    mail and FTP is enough to prevent the user from issuing local-issued
    connections to services. The impact is clear: bypassing firewalling,
    or hosts.deny. Additionnally it will create fake IDENT (but that's a ssh
    feature, it seems).
    > 2. Does PAM provide any immunity? If the user should be locked out
    > of SSH by PAM (as in the Linux OpenSSH ports) then will this
    If the user is refused by ssh authentification (be it because it's
    firewalled, DenyGroupsed, invalid password or PAM), you are safe.
    Noone we talk about breaking passworded accounts.

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