Re: A DDOS proposal.

From: Dragos Ruiu (drat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 01:10:58 PST

  • Next message: Mark L. VanScoyk: "Re: ASP Security Hole (fwd)"

    Thank you all for your kind comments, offers of help and input about my
    attack signalling system proposal. Here are some comments to the comments:
    Re: In-band vs. Out of band signalling
    In our tests so far, though we've found some pretty devastating attacks, none
    of the host targeted attacks has succeeded in producing 100% saturation/failure
    to the point where an outbound connection with some determined re-try and
    process priority could be completely defeated.  My hypothesis at this point is
    that an in band notification or signalling that would survive DoS could be
    built. If not with TCP certainly with an aggressive UDP re-transmitter. You
    will likely be able to squeak out that alarm packet eventually (even with TCP I
    think). If anyone has some evidence to contradict this I would love to hear
    about it. I estimate that out-of-band signalling is -very- expensive
    (perhaps prohibitively). Let's save that for the big e-commerce sites.
    Having avoided the temptation (:-) to take out a whole bunch of systems and
    try a test with a massive number of nodes our tests have been limited to the
    small number (<10) of links we could cobble up with our employee's home
    cablemodem/adsl links and other scrounged systems and T1's from friends, but
    there seemed to be little effect difference as we increased the number of
    nodes.  DDOS seems to be a bandwidth game, and he/she with the most bandwidth
    wins.  If some people would like to volunteer to set up a massive number of
    systems in a testbed, we're game. We can even play target, but I may have to
    talk to my ISPs and warn them. :-) C'mon, this is way more fun than Seti@Home.
    Re: DoS the victim and the relay Defenders simultaneously
    One of the theoretical side effects of this "Defender" system is that there
    will be a big bull's eye painted on the Defender node - they will likely
    become a target of choice so that you can get past them and do some mischief.
    This is both good and bad, good because the obvious target can be fortified and
    watched appropriately, bad because it's, well.... a target.  However DoSing the
    Defender will hardly qualify as a stealth maneouver... when you see all that
    traffic to it you will pretty much know that -something- is going down. (And
    you -should- be watching.) I would be worried much more about the stealthy
    clean up the complaints penetration.
    Re: AI-driven attack sensing
    There are a huge number of ways to wire this into advanced IDSes and the like.
    I think there will be a lot of vendors who may wish to differentiate themselves
    or improve their features in this way.  I was only proposing a rudimentary human
    operated triggering - you'd think that only server operators would care enough
    about ddos and uptime to go to the trouble of getting themselves wired into
    such a system at first. I'm sure there will be lots of other clever ideas here.
    Re: Coding trivial
    I didn't mean to downplay the difficulty of really securing an app. But the
    effort here still seems dwarfed to the policy and political issues to be
    overcome to make this work. A prototype is not a long reach, I maintain.
    Re: InterNIC whois as a contact instead.
    First of all, for small companies they might work, but I've -tried- on many
    occasions with more mundane portscans and attacks to contact operators of
    servers attacking us to warn them about potential compromises.  My success rate
    is less than 10%.  And you would be surprised at the number of sites that are
    seemingly unreachable by telephone (even some big ones). Then let's consider the
    language and geography issues of attacks from different countries....
    Another issue if you get attacked by and you
    contact the whois for in likely a different city is that it may
    take you a long time to reach the operator of the attack system - if you can
    at all (sysadmins for large companies seem to have developed the best telephone
    call avoidance technologies around :-).
    The other point here is that the ISPs Defender daemon would be able to contact
    many sites en-masse (this is for -distributed- attacks) if the other ISPs have a
    server listening for such requests. When was the last time you tried to contact
    100 server operators nevermind 1000? (Guys from Yahoo need not answer. :-)
    The idea is to distribute the contact work to the ISPs responsible rather than
    saddling the victim with the burden as we do now.
    When I used to chase down attacks on our servers to warn sysops (I don't
    anymore, declaring it futile), it would take me on the average of a day per
    system if it worked, and I used to time out on it after more than a day - which
    led to the abysmal success rate. Normally it would take at least four phone
    calls before you got to someone who understood what you were talking about.
    Maybe things are better now with all this DDOS visibility, but I doubt it.
    Re: RTBL and blocking
    Yes, some extension may be feasible.... but the issue here is not some
    voluntary opt in filtering, but squelching and securing the origin of the
    attacks.  Say I took over an address numerically just below ddos poster
    child yahoo's dns server and another just above it and installed my favorite
    super-nasty ddos tools. Most current filtering facilities would likely have to
    block out a whole range of addresses due to limits in the number of filters
    runnable with reasonable performance, thereby making yahoo unreachable to your
    users as well, sandwiched between those addresses.  One of the points of my
    proposal was to avoid blocking by going to a root of the attack - the
    vulnerable attack relays - and notifiying their ISPs automatically.
    Then further you have to provide some incentive for them to care about
    their security - another surprise to me was how often I contacted sysadmins who
    really couldn't care less that their box was broken into and attacking my
    system as long as their app was still running,  or,  even more frequently, who
    didn't believe the info or understand attack technology. Hopefully with my
    proposal, their ISP upon receiving complaints about the user, will be able to
    have some leverage on the user - otherwise one bad apple who doesn't care about
    security could get a whole address range blocked off, in a way giving another
    kind of DoS attack as that entire ISPs customer base may be made unreachable
    to/from a chunk of the net.  Without some notification system, the ISP will
    never know the attack happened and that they are being blocked - to them it
    will look like a whole chunk of the net that is filtering them went
    mysteriously 404. (The revenue loss implications of blocked customers are large
    for e-commerce.)  Blocking and filtering by itself will make the already flaky
    net more so.
    IMHO Though I do think an RTBL-like or derived blocking solution would be a good
    incentive generator for ISPs that would choose to ignore hypothetical inbound
    Defender complaints from other net users, it doesn't strike me as a good
    solution in general. And there will always be a few ISPs that ignore the
    guidelines is my bet - for evidence I point to the difficulties of getting
    routing BGP announcements to follow guidelines and the always-needed NANOG
    tutorials. I doubt that we will ever completely mitigate DDOS - the best we
    can hope for is to dramatically reduce the ridiculous ease with which it can be
    done today. (Make'em work for their hack I say. They have it so easy now. Why
    when I used to have to walk through two miles of snow to hack on a 110 baud
    teletype... :-) Unfortunately, I surmise this will require the tough road of
    securing the obvious targets that will get taken over the most and do the most
    damage. It would be interesting to see what wins the gets hacked the most
    Unless someone finds the magic silver bullet on this one, it's not pretty, but I
    would still suggest we roll up our sleeves and start getting to it. Sigh....
    Again, thank you all for the valuable feedback,
    -- / - we're from the future            
    learn kanga-foo from security experts: CanSecWest - April 19-21 Vancouver
    Speakers: Ron Gula/NSW, Ken Williams/E&Y, Marty Roesch/Hiverworld, Fyodor/,
              RainForestPuppy/, Theo de Raadt/OpenBSD, Max Vision/
    p.s. I really did walk through two miles of snow to use a 110 baud teletype for a while. :-)

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