Scorpion Marlin

From: Christophe GRENIER (grenierat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 23:26:56 PST

  • Next message: Renzo Tomà: "FW: Important UBB News For Licensed Users"

    A 0 byte udp packet sent to SNMP port
    (nmap -sU -p 161 pont-vesale) crashes the bridge.
    nef:~$ snmpwalk pv public system
    system.sysDescr.0 = "ScorpionMarlin"
    system.sysObjectID.0 = OID: enterprises.541.1
    system.sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (130641320) 15 days, 2:53:33.20
    system.sysContact.0 = "NoContact"
    system.sysName.0 = "PONT-VESALE"
    system.sysLocation.0 = "NoLocation"
    system.sysServices.0 = 15
    nmap documentation extract:
           -sU    UDP scans: This method is used to  determine  which
                  UDP  (User  Datagram  Protocol,  RFC 768) ports are
                  open on a host.  The technique is to  send  0  byte
                  udp packets to each port on the target machine.  If
                  we receive an ICMP port unreachable  message,  then
                  the  port  is  closed.   Otherwise  we assume it is
      ,-~~-.___.	 ._. 		  	   -= GRENIER Christophe =-
     / |  '     \	 | |"""""""""|              sysadm de
    (  )         0	 | |         |	   	  	   ESIEA
     \_/-, ,----'	 | |         |     	Ecole Superieure d'Informatique -
        ====         !_!--v---v--" 	   	Electronique - Automatique
        /  \-'~;      |""""""""|
       /  __/~| ._-""||        |       	Email: grenierat_private
     =(  _____|_|____||________|

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