Re: How the password could be recover using FTP Explorer's

From: Jeffrey Paul (sneakat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 01:47:07 PST

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    I've been thinking about this issue for a while now regarding Mac OS
    9.0.... The "Multiple Users" feature allows different people (up to
    40) to use the same machine while keeping preferences and
    configuration files and such seperate.  It has a feature that allows
    a user to use a 'voiceprint login', that lets you speak a phrase
    instead of typing in a password.  It matches it to your 'voiceprint'
    (created earlier using four recordings of you speaking the phrase)
    and logs you in if it deems a match.
    Apple also includes a feature in Mac OS 9.0 called the 'Keychain', a
    secure repository for storing passwords in applications that support
    the keychain API.  Examples include email clients, filesharing
    clients, etc.  The keychain uses 'strong' encryption (I don't have
    the details handy, websearch should turn up proper information), but
    here's the kicker... when you login using your voiceprint password,
    it unlocks (makes passwords available for retrieval) the keychain.
    Obviously, setting your keychain password to something other than the
    multiple users password for the account would fix this (it prompts
    for keychain password after login), but this is not the default
    behavior. I am wondering how the keychain is decrypted if you login
    with a voiceprint instead of a password, as it is not recieving the
    key from the user, so the decryption key for the keychain would have
    to be stored somewhere on the harddrive. In this case, it would be
    the same as the multiple users password, so the multiple users
    password must not be properly one-way'd, but simply masked or
    possibly even stored in plaintext.....
    Just another example of "insecurity in the name of user friendliness", I guess.
    >Passwords _cannot_ securely be stored locally without encrypting them
    >with another password that the user must enter.
    >Even if a "good" crypto algorithm is used, the key to unlock the
    >"password repository" must be stored somewhere.
    >Hopefully this is in the user's brain, but since most users cry foul
    >when they have to remember passwords, this usuall gets stored on the
    >same insecure hard drive that the "encrypted" secrets are stored,
    >all in the name of user friendliness.
    >When the key for decrypting the password repository gets stored,
    >all you need to do is go find the key and then you can go read all
    >the passwords.
    >Solution: Don't write apps that store passwords on the local computer
    >           without using another password to encrypt them.
    >Workaround: Disable all "remember this password for me" checkboxes
    >             that keep cropping up in all sorts of apps
    sneakat_private        -             0xCD91A427
    9907 3747 3CE9 11C5 2B1C  F141 D09F 488C CD91 A427
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    Copyright 2000 Jeffrey Paul.
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