Re: SSH & xauth

From: Niels Provos (provosat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 15:03:03 PST

  • Next message: Duncan Simpson: "All the recent SQL vulnerabilities"

    Hi Robert,
    This thread was about how default configurations can have negative
    impact on security. You mention the CheckHostIP option in OpenSSH.
    CheckHostIP defaults to 'yes'.  It introduces only additional checks
    and has not influence on permitting an SSH session to proceed. Thus it
    has no negative impact on your system security.
    I do not agree with your assumption that most SSH servers use dynamic
    IP addresses.  I believe that for the majority of users the contrary
    is true.  However, if you are in an environment with dynamic IP
    addresses, you can turn the CheckHostIP option off.
    In message <Pine.NEB.3.96L.1000225211428.18984A-100000at_private>, Robe
    rt Watson writes:
    >You can even imagine DNS-based spoofing causing some problems, if combined
    >with IP spoofing, as ssh-by-ip to a spoofed host would not generate an
    >unknown key warning, instead, it would connect with full trust.  This
    >attack is a little of a stretch on convenience for the attacker, but is
    This is not true.  If you did not authorize a (canonical hostname,
    public key) binding [by inserting it into OpenSSH's knownhosts file],
    you will always get a warning.  Please verify your facts before you
    If you have questions about OpenSSH in the future, you can reach us at

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