FreeBSD Security Advisory: FreeBSD-SA-00:06.htdig

From: FreeBSD Security Officer (security-officerat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 11:26:26 PST

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    FreeBSD-SA-00:06                                           Security Advisory
                                                                    FreeBSD, Inc.
    Topic:          htdig port allows remote reading of files
    Category:       ports
    Module:         htdig
    Announced:      2000-03-01
    Affects:        Ports collection before the correction date.
    Corrected:      2000-02-28
    FreeBSD only:   NO
    I.   Background
    The ht://Dig system is a complete world wide web indexing and searching
    system for a small domain or intranet.
    II.  Problem Description
    There is a security hole in the htsearch cgi-bin program for versions of
    htdig prior to 3.1.5, which allows remote users to read any file on the
    local system that is accessible to the user ID running htsearch (usually
    the user ID running the webserver process, user 'nobody' in the default
    installation of apache).
    Note that the htdig utility is not installed by default, nor is it "part
    of FreeBSD" as such: it is part of the FreeBSD ports collection, which
    contains over 3100 third-party applications in a ready-to-install format.
    FreeBSD makes no claim about the security of these third-party
    applications, although an effort is underway to provide a security audit
    of the most security-critical ports.
    III. Impact
    If you have not chosen to install the htdig port/package, then your system
    is not vulnerable. If you have, then local or remote users who can connect
    to a web server which contains the htsearch cgi-bin executable can read
    any file on your system which is accessible to the user running the
    htsearch process (typically user nobody). It is not currently believed
    that an attacker can exploit this hole to modify or delete files, but they
    may be able to use the ability to read files to mount a further attack
    based on other security holes they discover.
    IV.  Workaround
    Remove the /usr/local/share/apache/cgi-bin/htsearch file, if you do not
    make use of it.
    V.  Solution
    One of the following:
    1) Upgrade your entire ports collection and rebuild the htdig port.
    2) Reinstall a new package obtained from:
    (Note: it may be several days before the new packages appear on the FTP
    3) download a new port skeleton for the htdig port from:
    and use it to rebuild the port.
    4) Use the portcheckout utility to automate option (3) above. The
    portcheckout port is available in /usr/ports/devel/portcheckout or the
    package can be obtained from:
    Version: 2.6.2
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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