Re: "Association of Responsible Internet Providers"?

From: David Nesting (davidat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 10:17:38 PST

  • Next message: X-Force: "X-Force Response to ISS RealSecure's ability to address modified"

    I apologize for taking so long in summarizing these responses.  I've
    been on vacation and otherwise occupied for a couple of weeks.
    Elias has been kind enough to set up a mailing list for future discussions
    about "ARIP" (or whatever descendents might arise).  To subscribe, send
    an e-mail to listservat_private with the text "subscribe arip
    firstname lastname" in the body.  Please send any further discussions,
    ideas, or replies to this mailing list.
    A few people mentioned NANOG <> and ISPF
    <>.  I am in agreement that input must be solicited
    from these groups.  I also encourage people to subscribe to Dragos Ruiu's
    <defenderat_private> list for related discussions about coordinating
    attack responses (see list archives for details).
    I won't begin to respond to all of the e-mail I've received, but here
    are some snippets of a few responses I've received.  There were lots of
    very interesting points made, and if I've missed yours, please feel free
    to post it to the ARIP list.
    * despot <despotat_private>
      One of the downsides I see is that such a certification would provide
      attackers with at least some idea of which providers are irresponsible.
    I hadn't thought about explicitely publising a list of participating
    entities, though I would hope one of the conditions of membership would be
    a published, staffed emergency contact, and I would hate to restrict this
    information to members only.  And of course just because a company isn't
    ISO certified doesn't mean it's not an exceptional company otherwise.
    * Seth R Arnold <sarnoldat_private>
      There are two points of trouble I can think of -- first, if the dues
      are high enough, ISPs won't want to join -- profits are slim enough
      already for many. Second, most users don't care
    It would be our job to make them care.  Explain to the public and press
    WHY membership with this organization is good for the customer and for
    the Internet as a whole, and eyes will start wandering to those big
    names that /aren't/ boasting membership.
    * "Aleshire Rick" <aleshire_rickat_private>
      you are creating an elitist organization - the have vs the have nots -
      you cannot even begin to tackle the security of the internet if the
      weakest link in the chain is not a part of it!!!
    I agree 100%!  Ideally, we should not only work on pointing out those
    companies that have done an excellent job, but aid everyone in working
    together, member or not.  I'd rather not see this turn into Yet Another
    Security Site, so this specific task might be better left to another
    * "Mark E. Drummond" <drummond-mat_private>
      ... this is absolutely ludicrous. "You can't be part of our clique
      cuz you can't afford it" ... "oh, you are loosing business because
      you are not certified by us? well for a small fee ...".
    * Arch Angel <floz12355mlat_private>
      The rational man would say.."Well, if he couldnt conform to the
      standards, then he shouldnt have opened an ISP." however, I could see
      a competent coorperate attorney sueing for monopolizing the internet
      or some other ridiculous ccharge.
    I don't see an organization like this to be any different from, say, ISO
    certification.  Cheap ISP's (as in can't afford to abide by membership
    requirements) will continue to have their niche in the form of customers
    that could care less.  ISP's that take the time and effort to secure
    their systems, networks, and who make an effort to have staff on-hand
    to aid their peers in tracking down abuses deserve recognition.

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