Re: PGP Signatures security BUG!

From: Eric Murray (ericmat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 08:50:45 PST

  • Next message: Steve VanDevender: "Re: lynx - someone is deaf and blind ;)"

    On Tue, Mar 07, 2000 at 03:29:00PM +0100, Povl H. Pedersen wrote:
    > The problem is, that the PGP servers expects all key IDs to be unique
    > numbers, and does not expect 2 users to have the same keyID. And with
    > the current amount of users, we are starting to get multiple users
    > with the same keyID.
    This problem has been known for a long time.  It's called
    the 'deadbeef attack'.  It's discussed in the PGP FAQ:
    "The key ID
    It is possible to create a key with a chosen key ID. Paul Leyland
    <pclat_private> explains:
          A PGP key ID is just the bottom 64 bits of the public modulus (but
          only the bottom 32 bits are displayed with pgp -kv). It is easy to
          select two primes which when multiplied together have a specific
          set of low-order bits.
    This makes it possible to create a fake key with the same key ID as an
    existing one. The fingerprint will still be different, though.
    By the way, this attack is sometimes referred to as a DEADBEEF attack.
    This term originates from an example key with key ID 0xDEADBEEF which
    was created to demonstrate that this was possible. "
    > It is possible to generate false signatures, and John Smith can send
    > new e-mails in the name of  Mike Evans to users who does not have
    > Mike Evans' key in their keyring, and when they do a lookup, they
    > will find Mike Evans' key.
    That's why you're not supposed to depend on the keyid alone
    to authenticate PGP keys.  See the FAQ.
    > It will take a long time to generate a new key with a specific
    > fingerprint, but nonetheless, this 'overwriting' and hiding of other
    > users IDs in the public PGP servers is bad.
    Yep.  The deadbeef attack has been known for years, the servers
    really should use all of the modulus as the database index and return
    all matches on keyid.
     Eric Murray  ericm at the site  PGP keyid:E03F65E5

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