OpenBSD 2.8patched Apache vuln!

From: zvz (zvzat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 11:34:26 PDT

  • Next message: John H. Robinson, IV: "Re: Double clicking on innocent looking files"

    Looks like we have patched versions of 2.8,
    but on the mainstream of it (cvs),
    the included apache version (usr.sbin/httpd) IS VULN
    to the following bug:
    Just GO and get the latest version of Apache, nomatter (I assume)
    what OpenBSD ver you have, at least on the ones it is included by
    Just got confirmed on the techat_private, thath only the CURRENT
    is PATCHED(updated to 1.3.19).
    Sure, I see that the OpenBSD is the best in terms of security, I
    understand, that they are maybe short on people, I know that they work
    for free, but still,
    maybe the patch policy in not one of the best of it.

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