Re: multiple vulnerabilities in Alcatel Speed Touch DSL modems

From: Michael A. Nunes (pat_private)
Date: Sun Apr 22 2001 - 11:13:32 PDT

  • Next message: Adam Osuchowski: "Re: Mercury for NetWare POP3 server vulnerable to remote buffer overflow"

    Dear Peter & Others,
    	I actually contacted Alcatel specifially about the A1000, and
    there seems to be a few different models of the same modem.  My
    particular model number (found on the back of the modem) ends in
    "AB" and Alcatel told me that this means that the modem cannot
    be connected to except by a "Gig'E'Box," whatever that may be.
    So Peter if your A1000 Model Number ends in AB, I'd assume you
    too have one of the modems that cannot be connected to using
    telnet, tftp, ftp, httpd, etc.  I tried for hours trying to do it, since I
    saw the ARP requests, and replies in iptraf, along with the packets
    transversing my network, they just never seemed to be accepted.
    When I finally called Alcatel, I got my reason. =\ Hope I didn't
    confuse you to much =]
    		-- pcmike
    On 19 Apr 2001, at 5:34, SpaceTime wrote:
    > We have unsuccessfully attempted to connect to both an Alcatel Speed
    > Touch Home and Alcatel 1000 ADSL at and are wondering if
    > there's something we're missing?  The connection is established but
    > then repeatedly times out.  This has been tried from multiple
    > platforms to no avail.
    Michael A. Nunes

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