Re: Mail delivery privileges (was: Solaris /usr/bin/mailx exploit)

From: Greg A. Woods (woodsat_private)
Date: Fri May 18 2001 - 13:35:08 PDT

  • Next message: Olaf Kirch: "Re: Mail delivery privileges (was: Solaris /usr/bin/mailx exploit)"

    [ On Friday, May 18, 2001 at 11:18:51 (-0400), Wietse Venema wrote: ]
    > Subject: Mail delivery privileges (was: Solaris /usr/bin/mailx exploit)
    > 2 - Lock file management. If mail is delivered as nobody:mail, then
    > /var/mail/username.lock files are owned by user nobody.  This means
    > you can't use mode 1777 /var/mail permissions (a user would not be
    > able to remove a stale username.lock file left behind by the mail
    > system and vice versa).  Instead, /var/mail must be mode 770 group
    > mail, and mail user agents need SET-GID mail privileges in order
    > to remove stale username.lock files.  The privileges are needed
    > either by the MUA itself or by an MUA helper program.  The alternative,
    > unrestricted /var/mail directory write permission, is not secure.
    There is no longer any need for "*.lock" files on any machine out there
    which has POSIX-compliant (or similar) advisory file locking functions.
    Dot-lock files are an artifact of the past and they should be eliminated
    since they do indeed require enhanced privileges to implement.  There is
    no need to use an insecure world-writable spool directory, though of
    course if you don't want the spool directory to be group writable by
    group "mail" then you do have to pre-create all mailboxes.  (I'm not
    sure if there's any less risk to having a non-writable spool directory,
    but if your "useradd" (or whatever) program takes care of creating
    mailboxes too then it can't hurt.)
    Advisory file locking is obviously sufficient to protect the spool files
    from corruption by simultaneous access by any number of co-operating
    programs, including both multiple mail reader programs and of course any
    local delivery agent(s).  After all that's all you've got with "*.lock"
    files, since they too are only advisory locks.  Putting them into the
    kernel simply makes it possible to eliminate the risk of a mode 01777
    spool directory.  (The risk is already quite low of course if you
    pre-create all mailbox spool files, and especially if you write careful
    lock validation code in the local delivery agent.  Kernel locks simply
    make the code for safe local delivery less complex.)
    Note that this isn't necessarily as big a headache for users of
    third-party e-mail software (particularly MUAs) as one might think.
    Most I've encountered do something approximating "The Right Thing" when
    they are unable to create a "*.lock" file.  The only real issue that
    remains is that of dealing with third-party software that thinks it's
    smarter than you and installs itself setgid-mail anyway.  About the only
    thing an OS vendor can do in that case is to paint a big red warning
    sign and hold it up in front of the admin so that he/she can't miss it.
    (and of course paste the standard "no warranty" disclaimer in fine print
    on the bottom of it!)
    > 3 - User-specified shell commands. Traditionally, a user can specify
    > any shell command in ~user/.forward, and that command will execute
    > with the privileges of that user. This requires SUPER-USER privileges
    > in the mail delivery software itself or in mail helper software.
    Oh, OK, you've got me on that one!  ;-)
    I was trying very carefully to avoid that particular pit of snakes, but
    I suppose I should have known it was inevitable that someone would find
    me out eventually!
    Indeed that's the one reason why I haven't yet released a version of
    Smail-3 that runs without root privileges all of the time.  (and now, as
    a famous USA radio announcer says, you know the rest of the story! :-)
    Personally I'm loathe to allow ordinary users to specify delivery to
    programs in the first place, and forcing them at minimum to arrange for
    their mail filters to run unprivileged seems like a very small price to
    pay.  I seem to recall this was the solution taken by the AT&T UPAS
    mailer delivered as the default mailer on native UNIX System V Release 4.
    That's certainly the way it works on Plan 9:
           If  the file /mail/box/username/pipeto exists and is read-
           able and executable by everyone, it will be run  for  each
           incoming  message for the user.  The message will be piped
           to it rather than appended to his/her mail box.  The  file
           is run as user `none'.
    Note that there are solutions to the filtering issue which do not
    require the final destination of filtered messages to be an inbox that's
    writable by the unprivileged user (eg. just pass them back to the mail
    system for re-delivery to a new mailbox).  Setting it up generically for
    every user's primary mail account takes some thought, but it can be
    done.  Of course a mail storage system such as Cyrus IMAP can facilitate
    this much more readily, though it doesn't have to since it now has
    built-in, user-controllable, presumably secure, filtering.
    							Greg A. Woods
    +1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <gwoodsat_private>     <woodsat_private>
    Planix, Inc. <woodsat_private>;   Secrets of the Weird <woodsat_private>

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