Re: TWIG SQL query bugs

From: Steve Stavropoulos (steveat_private)
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 16:03:12 PDT

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    On Wed, 30 May 2001, Ryan Fox wrote:
    > One more point here.
    > > Simply adding a quote is not the proper way to handle this in PHP.
    > Not really.  There are other malicious characters that can be used in sql
    > statements.  The one in the front of my mind is ";", used to terminate a
    > query and begin a new one.  Think of $IDNumber=";drop database foo".  (This
    > can be helped by using a database with proper access controls set up, so the
    > user the web process normally connects as does not have permission to drop a
    > database.  I don't know if this product sets itself up like that by
    > default).
    > Good programming practice is to code a function specifically to strip any
    > possible malicious characters out of strings, and wrap it around every
    > variable put into a query, whether it should be user-supplied or not.
    > Addslashes is a good function to call from your stripping function, but it
    > should not be your only line of defense.
    > Ryan Fox
    The only malicious character in an SQL query executed from php is '.
    If you have for example:
    select * from kokos where user='$user'
    and $user=';drop database totos;'
    then the SQL query will be:
    select * from kokos where user=';drop database totos;'
    and that's ONE SQL statement.
    the ; inside the quotes is simply part of a STRING. The only way to get
    out of a string is with a ' and the ' gets stripped out with addslashes.
     If the user supplied variable isn't treated as a string but as part of
    the SQL statement then you have to escape ; as well.
    		Steve Stavropoulos

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