"at" is vulnerable on Solaris 7 and 8

From: Hank Wang (hywangat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 19:20:23 PDT

  • Next message: Paul L Schmehl: "RE: Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-030"

    We found that "at" in Solaris is vulnerable on Solaris 7 and 8
    The kind of bug is discussed on Bugtraqid:1634
    Generally a program that needs to display a message to the user will obtain
    the proper language
    specific string from the database using the original message as the search
    key and printing the
    results using the printf(3) family of functions. By building and installing
    a custom messages
    database an attacker can control the output of the message retrieval
    functions that get feed to the
    printf(3) functions.
    Bad coding practices and the ability to feed format strings to the later
    functions makes it
    possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary code as a privileged user
    (root) using almost any
    SUID program on the vulnerable systems.
    When succeeding "at" command, it will return a message:
    "commands will be executed using: <shell>\n"
    User can create a specified format string to the message for gettext(),
    and set the NLSPATH environment variable..
    That, user may get the root privilege..
    The exploit will release later...
    Huang-Yu Wang
    R&D Team, ISS-TW

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