RE: [RHSA-2001:078-05] Format string bug fixed

From: helmut g. katzgraber (dummkopfat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 22 2001 - 14:02:23 PDT

  • Next message: Matthew R. Potter: "Re: ISS Security Advisory: Wired-side SNMP WEP key exposure in 802.11b Access Points"

    note also the following which is a total confusion: redhat
    packages LPRng on their own with the latest release being
    	LPRng-3.7.4-23 .
    while binaries compiled for 7.x exists, the sources cannot
    be downloaded from their servers, at least till yesterday.
    if you now go to patrick powells site (developer of LPRng)
    located at you will
    find that the latest release of LPRng he offers there is
    	LPRng-3.7.4-1 (in rpm format)
    	LPRng-3.7.4.tgz (src)
    the questions are: what are the differences between the
    version offered by redhat and the version offered by patrick
    powell? has the rpm offered on the lprng site also
    the same problems as the redhat one (advisory
    if you are using redhat 6.x and use LPRng you cannot use the
    rpms provided by redhat since they are for rh 7.x. you will
    run into incompatibilities. will then upgrading to version
    LPRng-3.7.4-1 from the lprng site solve the problems? little
    detail is that the rpms provided on the lprng site wont work
    because of dependencies. you will have to get the src rpm
    and rebuild it. then they will install.
    cheers, h.
    ps: note also that if you grab the src rpm from the lprng
    site and try to rebuild the rpm for alpha arch it will
    bomb and not compile, i.e if you have an alpha with rh 6.x
    and need LPRng you are stuck with a 3.6.x version...
    Helmut G. Katzgraber
    Physics Department, Kerr Hall
    University of California	Phone:	(+1) 831-459-4762
    Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA	Fax:    (+1) 831-459-3043

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