Re: Mozilla is excessively generous.

From: Mike Shaver (shaverat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 21:36:12 PDT

  • Next message: qitest1: "Exploit for xinetd-"

    > - - [27/Jun/2001:21:07:21 -0400] "GET /~qg/billy.html HTTP/1.1" 200 333 "mailbox:///home/dustin/.mozilla/dustin/uo1voac3.slt/Mail/Mail/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16-22 i686; en-US; rv:0.9.1) Gecko/20010608"
    > Would anyone working on the Mozilla project care to add dustin's password
    > to this line in my web logs?  Maybe his mother's maiden name?
    If you'd bothered to report this to, via bugzilla, rather 
    than just going straight to bugtraq[*], you would probably have found 
    bug 83038, which was fixed for mozilla 0.9.2.  (0.9.2 froze tonight for 
    final QA before release.)
    People using Mozilla < 1.0 should probably be aware that there are bugs 
    remaining, and some of those bugs may affect the security of the 
    application.  I don't think there are any serious ones left outstanding, 
    but I may not just "serious" like you do, and there may yet be some 
    [*] Not that I have a problem with people mailing bugtraq to let people 
    know what they should watch for, but if someone else _hadn't_ reported 
    this to bugzilla, we might not have fixed it in time for 0.9.2.  I 
    assume that's what you want, and that you weren't just posting to be 
    clever at our expense.
    (not on bugtraq, please cc: on replies)

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