Windows MS-DOS Device Name DoS vulnerabilities

From: ByteRage (byterageat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 02:34:28 PDT

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    Windows MS-DOS Device Name DoS vulnerabilities
    Microsoft Windows 95
    Microsoft Windows 98
    Microsoft Windows 98 SE
    This post is some kind of reply to all previous posts
    about win32 (server)applications filtering out MS-DOS
    Device Names (DDNs) to prevent requests for files such
    as \CON\CON from crashing the operating system. As
    these vulnerabilities exist due to a very internal
    operating system flaw (ring0 device drivers), I don't
    think it is the application programmer's fault nor
    their responsibility to provide filtering for a bug
    where they don't know the exact cause or background
    of. Because the flaw is within the operating system I
    think it's obvious that the *operating system* itself
    is patched, instead of rewriting the applications
    running under it to have filtering... The reason for
    this is simple : it creates a false feeling of
    security. In alot of cases where applications have
    filtering for these bugs, they don't filter every DDN
    nor do they provide a *real* solution to the problem
    (checking whether the requested path contains a DDN
    using OS calls), as is the case with the OS patch.
    Conclusion : applications should not filter out DDNs,
    because they don't fix the problem (basically they
    make it even worse), the OS patch is better because it
    fixes *ALL* problems, and if it wouldn't then that's
    where this discussion should be about.
    To illustrate this problem, here's an uncomplete list
    of some of the DDNs that I know of :
    MS$MOUSE, etc... etc...
    (I'm pretty sure that you can find a shitload more by
    typing MEM /DEBUG |MORE in a DOS window or doing some
    This list illustrates 3 things :
    1) not every list of DDNs is complete
    2) almost every computer has it's own drivers and
    associated (vulnerable) DDNs
    3) it is virtually impossible for applications to
    block all DDNs
    CONCLUSION : patch your OS, and stop whining about so
    called 'bugs' in applications, you will never be able
    to completely patch the problem that way.
    Go to the Microsoft Knowledge Base @
    And find the article with article ID Q256015
    (titled Fatal Exception 0E with Multiple MS-DOS Device
    Names in Path)
    There you can find OS patches for Windows 95 and
    Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2)
    Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition
    [ByteRage] <byterageat_private> []
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