Re: FreeBSD 4.3 local root

From: Foldi Tamas (crowat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 04:39:02 PDT

  • Next message: ian stanley: "Re: [COVERT-2001-04] Vulnerability in Oracle 8i TNS Listener"

    > Quick workaround is to limit arguments, environment and filter non-ascii
    > characters:
    This workaround not complete, because it doesn't protect for the bug
    exploitation. For example the attacker can send the shellcode via stdin
    to the suid program. It's address can also be determined with removing
    the suid bit from the program, and tracing it non-root.
    What's your opinion? 
    (BTW, rexec is generally a good idea, we like it)
    Best regards,
    Megyer Ur (lez), Foldi Ur
    . . _ __ ______________________________________________________ __ _ . .
    Foldi Tamas - We Are The Hashmark In The Rootshell - Security Consultant
       crowat_private - PGP: finger://crowat_private - (+3630) 221-7477 

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