AW: Windows MS-DOS Device Name DoS vulnerabilities

From: Martin Werner (bugtraqat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 03:30:59 PDT

  • Next message: 3APA3A: "Re[2]: SECURITY.NNOV: special devices access in multiple archivers"

    Just want to give a new thought.
    Fact is, that on the one hand side, its merely impossible to write an safe
    ftp server using Microsofts Filesystem, because device names can cause
    trouble (and I think, this is not a bug, but it's been discussed)
    So I think, good coding practice is not using a function, you cannot be sure
    to work (noticed the incompatiblilities between different versions of
    windows etc.)
    In such a situation, the only safe thing one can do, is to
    a) change the whole behaviour of windows causing immense trouble porting
    or better take it in your own hand.
    I think, that one has to write a flatfile engine, the faster, the better,
    that works with ! ! one ! file in the windows filesystem with a name, the
    coder choses and thinks to be secure. It could be a good open source
    project, to write a filesystem, that can be put into a binary file on any
    platform. A great step in compatibility between systems.
    Keep on testing software!
    Martin Werner
    P.S. Feel free to contact me at:

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