NetWin Authentication Module 3.0b password storage vulnerabilities / buffer overflows

From: ByteRage (byterageat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 06:24:17 PDT

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    NetWin Authentication Module 3.0b password storage
    vulnerabilities / buffer overflows
    NWAuth module as used by
    DMail, SurgeFTP, others... (cfr
    I've tested SurgeFTP in particular
    The source code for NWAuth 2.0 can be found at
    The source is provided on all platforms and for
    Windows and most Unix based platforms it is
    pre-compiled, as nwauth.exe or nwauth. 
    The 'NetWin Authentication module' which is used by
    SurgeFTP, DMail and other programs uses a quite
    'unusual' hashing algorithm to store the password
    hashes. Because of the complexity of the hashing
    algorithm, the users of NWAuth may not be aware of it,
    but the algorithm is flawed in (at least) two ways :
    1) the password hashes can be decrypted
    2) one hash can match more than one password
    So basically I'm saying that one user doesn't have one
    password, but he can have a few million besides the
    one that he was actually assigned. (no comment...)
    Fortunately, SurgeFTP has some anti-hammering
    techniques implemented to prevent bruteforcing.
    As for the decryption, I've attached source code
    (nwauthcrack.c) that will generate all possible
    passwords for a given hash. The password hashes used
    by fe SurgeFTP can be found within the files
    \surgeftp\admin.dat (sysadmin password) &
    \surgeftp\nwauth.clg (user passwords)
    Storing the passwords using MD5 hashes would probably
    be a better idea, maybe added up with a simple cipher
    to prevent the average script kiddie from attacking
    the passwordfile with canned tools. (this type of
    hashing is done by Serv-U FTP)
    And if one really wants to implement salting, then
    append the username to the password and feed it into
    the MD5 hashing algorithm, it has the same effect,
    it's easier and much more secure.
    NWAuth also has alot of buffer overflows riddled
    throughout the source code (especially older versions,
    like 2.0), which might lead to serious flaws in
    programs that use this module. Although version 2.0
    probably contained much more of them, here are some
    examples of buffer overflows which are still not fixed
    in version 3.0b :
    -> the nwauth -del command causes an access violation
    when supplied with a very long username, this might
    not be a big deal since only administrators are
    supposed to delete users
    -> the nwauth -lookup command causes an access
    violation when supplied a username of about 1000
    characters, this might be triggered by an attacker if
    the program would pass this username from a "USER"
    [ByteRage] byterageat_private
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