ARPNuke - 80 kb/s kills a whole subnet

From: Paul Starzetz (paulat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 01:42:30 PDT

  • Next message: Michal Zalewski: "[RAZOR] Linux kernel IP masquerading vulnerability"

    Hi ppl,
    It is time for a new ´nuke´ - ARPNuke.
    There is an ARP table handling bug in Microsoft Windows protocoll
    stacks. It seems that the arp handling code uses some inefficient data
    structure (maybe a simple linear table?) to manage the ARP entries.
    Sending a huge amount of ´random´ (that is random source IP and
    arbitrary MAC) ARP packets results in 100% CPU utilization and a machine
    lock up. The machine wakes up after the packets stream has been stopped.
    The needed traffic is not really high: the attached ARPkill code will
    send an initial sequence of about 10000 ARP packets, then go to ´burst
    mode´ sending definable short burst of random ARP packets every 10 msec.
    The lockup occured at about 80kb/sec (seq about 45) on a PII/350.
    Even worse: it seems that is possible to kill a whole subnet using
    broadcast destination MAC (that is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) and arbitrary
    source IP.

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