Re: Slackware 8.0, 7.1 Vulnerability: /usr/bin/locate

From: Dylan Griffiths (Dylan_Gat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 02 2001 - 17:07:00 PDT

  • Next message: jkowall: "FW: Security alert: Remote user can access any file"

    Brian Smith wrote:
    > It's apparently something that's changed in later versions of Slackware.
    > Here's one from my machine, which was originally Slack3.5 (before going
    > through several upgrades, of course):
    > -rw-r--r--   1 root     root       740500 Aug  1 04:03 locatedb
    This happened because:
    # This updates the database for 'locate' every day:
    40 04 * * *       cd / ; updatedb 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    was moved from 
    Because, when run as root, everyone who ran GNU locate could see whatever
    files root could see (such as other people's how directories).
    I suggest you either upgrade Slackware to slocate ( ) which is safe to run as root since its
    locate will check if you're allowed to see the files in shows, or assign
    each subsystem its own UID (which is a good idea anyways :)).
    Hopefully someone who con officially fix Slackware (Pat, Dave, Chris, etc)
    can get a solid fix into the base distro.
    -- -- technology and culture, from the trenches.

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