MS patch-scanner for Win-NT, 2K, IIS, SQL

From: Thomas C. Greene (tcgreeneat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 02:18:06 PDT

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    MS patch-scanner for Win-NT, 2K, IIS, SQL
    By Thomas C Greene in Washington
    Posted: 15/08/2001 at 06:07 GMT
    We've been eager to spill the beans about this for weeks, and even hinted at
    it in a previous story
    Today it's official; MS has released a command-line application, HFNetChk,
    which will scan all NT and/or 2K machines in a network from a single
    location and compare their currently-installed patches with the latest ones
    available, making it easy for admins to identify and patch vulnerable
    The app was developed by MS Security Program Manager Eric Schultze. We gave
    it a whirl over the weekend and it performed as advertised. It covers Win-NT
    and 2K; IIS 4.0 and 5.0; SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 (including MS Data Engine);
    and Internet Explorer 5.01 and later.
    The tool accesses an XML file, which it downloads automatically, and which
    contains information such as the files in each patch and their file versions
    and checksums, registry keys that would be applied by the hotfix,
    information about which patches supersede others, related Microsoft
    Knowledge Base article numbers, and the like.
    If any of the file or registry details on a scanned machine don't match the
    information in the XML file, the associated security patch is identified as
    not installed and the results are displayed on the screen. The corresponding
    Knowledge Base article number is also displayed.
    Switches can be used specify groups of computers to scan, output format,
    engine speed, types of checks, the location of the XML file and so on,
    according to the complete instructions, which should be available from MS
    later today. ®
    The progie:
    The instructions (note, going live some time Wednesday):

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