Re: HTML Form Protocol Attack

From: Jesse Ruderman (jesseat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 16:36:37 PDT

  • Next message: Sevo Stille: "Re: HTML Form Protocol Attack"

    Nice find.  Dougt just filed this as (and has already 
    attached a patch), so all you bugtraq readers don't have to file 
    duplicate reports like you did last time :)
    Barnaby Gray wrote:
    >I tried this out on mozilla, lynx and netscape (all linux) and got the
    >following results:
    >mozilla 0.9.1
    >Pops up message:
    >"Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons."
    >When I tried to get it to connect to ftp (port 21) - however if you add
    >65536 to this value, so try submitting the form to 65557 it doesn't
    >complain and will connect to port 21, but gets stuck halfway through
    >the transmission, without submitting the evil data. Maybe there is a
    >way round that though.
    >lynx will connect fine without complaint.
    >netscape communicator (4.77) - couldn't get it to connect even with
    >the trick of wrapping the port number round.
    >On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 09:20:19AM +0200, Jochen Topf wrote:
    >>Some HTML browsers can be tricked through the use of HTML forms into sending
    >>more or less arbitrary data to any TCP port.

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