Re: tdforum 1.2 Messageboard

From: 5-i's (fiveyesat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 20 2001 - 14:30:03 PDT

  • Next message: Robert van der Meulen: "Re: Multiple-Vendor-FTP-Vuln. (old?)"

    First of all, I'd like to thank those of you who've e-mailed me and
    pointed out some issues in this matter.  I also need to apologize for
    having my "reply to" field incorrectly set on that first posting.
    It's been awhile since I participated in a mailing list.
    A special thanks goes to the fellow that pointed the change in
    templates that I'd overlooked!  I thought to save the html page after
    I had made the discovery and it is time-stamped on my computer
    "8/18/2001 01:17 PM" (CDT here in New Orleans).  It is available
    on-line at  The
    top and bottom of the document are made from templates and I'll have
    you note the differences between that and the archive page made on the
    19th as well as the current file at
    In other words, we have a retroactive update here. :)
    Another fellow made mention of something that I'd overlooked in my
    second posting, that I had purchased a second copy of this program on
    the 18th, this is time-stamped on my computer as 8/18/2001 09:24 AM.
    I bought this between Messages #542, 543 and 544, when I was surprised
    to find my attempt to place an alert into forum failed.  After buying
    another copy of the program, and rechecking that nothing had changed,
    I placed Message #546, testing a general HTML tag.  TDavid had, in the
    meantime, shown up and deleted my first attempts at inserting a
    javascript alert.  Oh, here's where they ask me about buying the
    second script - I'll make it
    available online if they attempt to modify or remove it.
    Another fellow sent along this message (I'll give proper credit later
    if he wishes, I believe he thought he was posting to the list at the
    time) "Hi,
    Notice that:
    Doesn't filter our email HTML tags, i.e:
    Will cause it to "not show" you the page...
    Mmmmm, that's it for right now.
    Larry (5-i's) Lung

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Aug 20 2001 - 15:55:09 PDT