LPRng/rhs-printfilters - remote execution of commands

From: zen-parse (zen-parseat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 27 2001 - 06:44:55 PDT

  • Next message: Larry W. Cashdollar: "Solaris Patchadd symlink exploit."

    (posted to vendor security ppl, no reply, no patch, so posting here.)
    --begin forwarded message--
    RedHat 7.0 (possibly others)
    If the lpd is listening on and no access controls are in place, it
    is possible to execute commands as the lp user, assuming tetex-dvips is
    From man dvips
           -R     Run in secure mode. This  means  that  ``backtick''
                  commands  from  a \special{} or \psffile{} macro in
                  the  (La)TeX  source  like   \special{psfile="`zcat
                  foo.ps.Z"}   or   \psffile[72  72  540  720]{"`zcat
                  screendump.ps.gz"} are not executed.
    Unless the -R option is passed, the attached file will, when converted to
    a .dvi file (tex spool.tex), start a worm. A very primitive, proof of
    concept worm, with no payload, but it does stall the printer.
    (So don't run it without at least modifying it to do something else.)
    dvips -f $DVIPS_OPTIONS < $TMP_FILE
    change it to
    dvips -R -f $DVIPS_OPTIONS < $TMP_FILE
    and it should be a little safer.
    -- zen-parse
    --end forwarded message--
    I deleted the worm file before posting this to BugTraq. It's 2 lines of
    bash, but not really the kind of thing that is helpful to post here.
    -rw-r--r--    1 evil     evil          152 Aug 16 16:37 spool.tex
    Instead, use this to test your machine.
    cat >proof-of-concept.tex <<EOF
    \special{psfile="`touch /tmp/lpowned"}
    tex proof-of-concept
    lpr proof-of-concept.dvi
    -- zen-parse
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Aug 27 2001 - 08:32:23 PDT