Possible Denial of Service with PHP and Cyrus IMAP on BSDi 4.2

From: Administrator (MG) (adminat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 29 2001 - 22:38:18 PDT

  • Next message: White Vampire: "Re: Kazaa and Morpehus Exploit (how to view their shared files)"

    Use of the php IMAP functions on BSDi webserver with Apache against a cyrus
    server on BSDi 4.2 will eventually cause the mail server to hang, forcing a
    hard reboot.
    A BSDi 4.2 Cyrus server could be remotely DOS'd if external IMAP access is
    This has been experienced running IMP and Jawmail, two popular OSS webmail
    packages which do not exhibit this behavior on other platforms.
    This has been tested with the php compiled against c-client versions 2000
    and 4.7, and with Cyrus 2.0.15 and 2.0.16 as the mail server.
    The cyrus sever does not exhibit this behavior with regular mail clients.
    It has also been tested with php 4.0.4pl1 and php 4.0.6
    At this time, I am unable to determine if the issue is with the c-client or
    with PHP.
    M. Gamble
    Echo Online Administration

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