Apache suexec

From: Stefanos Harhalakis (v13at_private)
Date: Tue Oct 23 2001 - 14:41:05 PDT

  • Next message: Lucian Hudin: "Re: SSH deja vu"

    Hash: SHA1
     I've noticed something weird when using Apache and the suexec wrapper. 
    Suexec is supposed not to change uid/gid to to anything less than 
    minuid/mingid. This is not so true.
     Suppose we have mingid==100 and a user with gid==0 which belongs to groups 
    123,234,345. Suexec will no execute and script for this user.
     Now suppose we have the same user with gid==123 which belongs to groups0 
    ,234,345. Suexec will execute any cgi without problem. The running cgi will 
    be a member of all those groups.
     This can be tested by simply running a shell script which calls id.
     I've found http://bugs.apache.org/index.cgi/full/1001 dated 
    Sat Aug 16 13:39:01 1997. This is known for a long time but there is nothing 
    done. At least there should be a note in the docs. I don't think that there 
    exist a case where having gid<mingid is insecure, but being a member of a 
    group with gid<mingid is secure.
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