RE: Check Point VPN-1 SecuRemote Flaw

From: Andy Fiddaman (afat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 24 2001 - 00:54:28 PDT

  • Next message: Thomas Biege: "SuSE Security Announcement: htdig (SuSE-SA:2001:035)"

    One workaround is to define a user in your firewall called
    'generic*' which will match any username. You need to make
    sure that the user can't authenticate or isn't specified as
    the source on any authentication rules but this will make
    the firewall report every username as valid.
    A slightly more worrying problem with SecuRemote is that it
    will also identify which authentication method the user has.
    If you just specify a username without a password then
    SecuRemote will re-display the authentication window but
    with a different password prompt such as 'FireWall-1
    Password:' or 'PASSCODE:' etc.
    ; -----Original Message-----
    ; From: Kratter, Dave [mailto:daveat_private]
    ; Sent: 23 October 2001 22:07
    ; To: 'bugtraqat_private'
    ; Subject: Check Point VPN-1 SecuRemote Flaw
    ; Summary:
    ; 	SecuRemote will show whether a username is
    ; during failed
    ; login attempts
    ; Versions Tested:
    ; 	4.1 SP4 (4185) VPN+Strong for Windows 2000
    ; 	4.1 SP4 (4185) VPN+Strong for Windows NT
    ; Description:
    ; 	During an authentication attempt in the VPN-1
    ; Authentication dialog box, a failed login due to an
    ; username or
    ; password will result in different responses, depending on
    ; nature of the
    ; failure. If the username is valid and the password is 
    ; incorrect, SecuRemote
    ; will return a dialog box with the message "Access denied
    by FireWall-1
    ; authentication". However, if the username is invalid, 
    ; SecuRemote will return
    ; a dialog box with the message "User <unknown_user> not 
    ; found". While this is
    ; not a security hole per se, it does allow someone to
    determine valid
    ; firewall usernames (given enough patience).
    ; Workaround:
    ; 	Unknown
    ; Vendor Status:
    ; 	Check Point was notified on October 16, 2001
    ; David B. Kratter
    ;, Inc.
    ; Quality Assurance Technical Engineer

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