RE: Windows XP security concerns

From: Geoff Sweet (gsweetat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 20 2001 - 10:42:13 PST

  • Next message: Ulf Harnhammar: "Re: IRM Security Advisory 002: Netware Web Server Source Disclosure"

    Commenting on the loss of user data below:  I don't think this is a critical
    issue.  By default Win2K/XP adds the local Administrator as a Encrypted Data
    Recovery Agent.  So while the pain-in-the-arse factor is there of needing to
    reset the password via the admin account, any encrypted data won't be lost
    due to loss of private key.  The Administrator can still recover the data,
    then the user can re-encrypt it with his/her new credentials.  
    Geoff Sweet
    Systems Engineer
    World Vision (
    II. Problem with reset password disk
    Windows XP introduced a new feature - "Password Reset Disk", which can
    be used 
    to recover user account and personalized computer settings if a user
    his password.
    The problem is that in certain conditions (Minimum password age <> 0) 
    user may not be able to reset his password using above mentioned disk 
    and the only solution is the reset password feature available to the
    First, make sure the "Minimum password age" policy is set to a value
    other than 0. 
    Now, supposing the user forgets his password before it's age expires, 
    he will not be able to reset it with the disk until the password
    What's more, changing password by an Admnistrator using MMC or control
    (in other words - GUI) leads to user data loss (i.e. EFS files)
    because of 
    private key loss. 
    The only solution seems to be "net user" command issued by an

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