MiraMail 1.04 can give POP account access and details

From: Chris Lathem (clathemat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 09 2002 - 13:45:42 PST

  • Next message: Scott Dier: "Re: myvoicestream.com vulnerability"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    Released: January 9, 2002
    Discovered: January 3, 2002 by Chris Lathem
    Program Overview: MiraMail is a fairly new program 
    to the market, and is intended to be used as a news 
    server.  It is developed and maintained by Nevrona 
    Designs. For more information please see 
    www.nevrona.com/miramail. The problem in MiraMail 
    lies in the way it stores its variables: Everything is 
    stored in an ".ini" file in plain text. This includes POP 
    account usernames and passwords. This is not 
    limited to the POP accounts either. The user 
    accounts and groups are also stored in the same file, 
    all in plain text. Any user with access to the directory 
    in which MiraMail is installed can potentially "snoop" 
    the file for accounts and passwords, or could add 
    additional users or groups with ease.
    Status: Vendor was contacted on January 3, and 
    acknowledged the problem. According to the vendor, 
    the next version to be released (1.05) will encrypt 
    the .ini file with md5 encryption, and will be released 
    in the next couple of weeks. 
    Chris Lathem
    Please be nice to me, this is my first post. 

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