RE: NetScreen ScreenOS 2.6 Subject to Trust Interface DoS

From: Alexander Poizner (APoiznerat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 01 2002 - 09:36:35 PST

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    	It is a well known problem for many of the firewall appliances
    including Sonicwall, Netscreen, PIX etc. The problem is that the traffic on
    trusted network interface is partially assumed secure. 
    	If firewall uses port translation for the outgoing connection they
    are of course limited by <2^16 ports per IP once all of them are used, you
    are in trouble. Of course if the firewall is well designed, it will tell you
    in a log that maximum # of connections is reached and it will not allow
    connection to management interface until there will be available connection.
    	Some firewalls of course will just shut down management interface
    like did the Sonicwall up until about a year ago. This IS a bug and should
    be fixed, however other than that there is not much you can do. Some
    firewalls can have multiple IP addresses just for increasing maximum # of
    connections. If maximum number of connections specified is exceeded - that
    is a problem of system administrator.
    	Higher end firewalls have some QoS algorithms implemented to protect
    you from that condition though. Also in some implementation you might get
    away with using NAT for the host that will produce large amount of
    connections - but then you got physical limitations of different memory
    Alexander Poizner
    Systems Security Engineer
    HIP Interactive Corp.
    (416) 249-7555 x206
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Chris Lathem [mailto:clathemat_private] 
    Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 10:07
    To: bugtraqat_private
    Subject: NetScreen ScreenOS 2.6 Subject to Trust Interface DoS
    Problem: NetScreen ScreenOS 2.6.1 subject to Trust 
    Interface DoS Attack
    Company Info: NetScreen Technologies are the 
    manufacturers of some of the industry's highest 
    quality VPN and firewall equipment. For more 
    information please see
    What's affected: The ScreenOS is the heart of the 
    NetScreen products. This allows for the firewall 
    configuration/management. Apparently all versions 
    before ScreenOS 3.1 are affected. This vulnerability 
    can only occur from within the "trusted" network, or 
    from a machine connected to the "trust" interface. 
    External attempts will not cause any problems/DoS.
    Exploit: Someone within the trusted side of the 
    network can attempt a portscan on an external IP 
    address. When the scan runs it appears to consume 
    all of the available sessions. This, in turn, causes a 
    DoS to the entire trusted interface. The only way I got 
    my device to recover quickly was to perform a reset. 
    A recovery might be possible without a reset, but 
    after about 5 minutes of waiting, mine never 
    recovered. This exploit may or may not work on your 
    device. My testing was performed on a NetScreen 5. 
    The higher-end, more pricier models may take longer 
    to "eat up" all the available sessions, thus taking 
    longer for a DoS to occur. 
    I have contacted NetScreen in regards to the issue. I 
    received a response back that the problem is a 
    known issue. It has been addressed in ScreenOS 
    3.1. An update to ScreenOS 3.1 is available for 
    anyone with a NetScreen 200 or 500. For all other 
    models, the update to ScreenOS 3.1 will be available 
    on April 1, 2002.
    I'd love to hear if anyone else has noticed this, or if 
    other models are affected by this issue.
    Chris Lathem

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