Re: Infecting the KaZaA network?

From: GertJan de Leeuw (dataholicat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 08 2002 - 06:51:58 PST

  • Next message: Mike Rogers: "Re: Alteon ACEdirector signature/security bug"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    I had the same thought about this subject a long time 
    ago, but I discovered there are 2 major problems why 
    a attacker cannot successfully infect the distribution 
    of a new kazaa client:
    1.The installation MUST have the same size as the 
    orginal distribution package, since kazaa will look on 
    its network for the filename with the exact filesize (for 
    multiple downloads at one time from different clients)
    Because you need to 'inject' your evil code the 
    filesize will be bigger. Ofcourse you could pack it with 
    a pe packer like upx and add bytes till the exact 
    filesize is there , but then we have problem 2:
    2.As we all know, KazaA downloads from multiple 
    users, so IF you have success with step 1, you will 
    fail at this point, because you will have an invalid exe 
    (a evil version merged with the orginal distro).
    So the only way somebody can infect the network is , 
    injecting the first compiled version of a new 
    distibution (but that is hardly impossible)
    GertJan de Leeuw

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