Infecting the KaZaA network?

From: Andrew McClymont (
Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 12:10:50 PST

  • Next message: Knud Erik Højgaard: "CSS ->"

    I just found out a folder named "My shared folder" under the KaZaA
    installation folder.
    Inside "My shared folder" there were various KaZaA installshield
    packages (exe files).
    Now, the people at FastTrack promotes their engine as a distributed way
    to send files to end users. This is seen whe you download KaZaA, you get
    a little exe (500 k) that downloads the full KaZaA client from one of
    its users, I would guess, from the "My shared folder".
    What happens if I infect the files under "My shared folder" with a virii
    or some trojan, every user that gets their KaZaA client from my computer
    gets screwed, right?  And then, the victim himself will be sharing the
    KaZaA client infected to new victims.
    Just wondering... Have a nice day!!
    -Andrew McClymont

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