Advisory #3 - PHP & JSP

From: Paul Brereton (brereton_paulat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 04:06:56 PST

  • Next message: tsr: "-possible- Bufferoverflow in ICQ 2001b"

    Title :PHP and JSP Trailing Slash Exposure
    Author : Paul Brereton
    E-Mail : brereton_paulat_private
    Risk : High
    Summary : When making pages in PHP or JSP, many programmers keep include
    files in the same directory as the file calling them. Programmers can then
    include the file without having to code in the paths to the include file.
    This would allow an attacker to reveal the true path directory used by the
    server or reveal the content of the JSP file accessed.
    Details :
    A programmer would have 2 files. The first would be:
    <? include('database.php'); ?>
    And the second file would obviously be called database.php with the code
    requred to connect to the database.
    When a user calls http://someserver/ShowData.php the base path to
    database.php is stored in the server variable as http://someserver/ and so
    the include will load http://someserver/database.php. However, if you add a
    trailing slash to the request (i.e. http://someserver/ShowData.php/) the
    base path will be set to http://someserver/ShowData.php, causing the include
    statement to try to load http://someserver/ShowData.php/database.php.
    Because the include file is not found, an error is thrown back to the user,
    that will include the full path to the include file that was not found.
    2nd Example:
    JSP files work in the same way, with many pages throwing exceptions and
    showing their true path. But even more serious, it has been found that many
    JSP pages, when submitted with a trailing slash (such as form logins that
    redirect to the same page to check the login details) will reveal the source
    code of the JSP (that usually contain sensitive information).
    Use hard coded directory paths in the 'include' statements you use (same
    goes for the 'require' statements).

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Feb 08 2002 - 16:00:18 PST