Microsoft compiler flaw, Cigital responds

From: Gary McGraw (gemat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 15 2002 - 07:37:07 PST

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    Brandon Bray claims that Microsoft Visual C++ compiler team "invented" the
    idea of placing a canary on the stack to try to  prevent certain kinds of
    buffer overflows.  Mr. Bray should familiarize himself with Crispin Cowan's
    StackGuard [Cowan].   Also of interest are various attacks against the
    original technique, most notably the Emsi vulnerability explained in Phrack
    56 [Phrack].
    We never made a claim that the use of the flawed /GS feature exposes code to
    "more attacks" as suggested in a bugtraq post.   All we have done is point
    out that the /GS feature is itself susceptible to attack and should not be
    relied on to improve software security.  The short term solution is quite
    simple: don't use the feature, or if you insist on using the feature at
    least know the  risks!  In other words, developers should be made aware of
    problems with the /GS feature so they know the risks they run if they choose
    to use it.  Perhaps future versions of the /GS feature will be better
    Why might developers rely on the broken /GS feature to protect their code?
    We refer you to Mr. Bray's article "How Visual C++.NET can Prevent Buffer
    Overruns" [Bray], where the title itself says it all.  Also note that in
    Chapter 13 of Mike Howard  and David LaBlanc's book is the important
    qualifying statement (p. 346)  "doing so catches only stack-based buffer
    overruns that overwrite the function return address."  That it does.  But as
    our toy program shows, simply getting caught by killing the canary is not
    sufficient.  We can "get caught" and still go on to carry out an attack.
    Two stage attacks are both possible and dangerous.  By now, everyone should
    know this.  To be fair, Mike Howard has always been very careful in his
    claims about the /GS option.  Good for Mike.
    There are well known ways to prevent a two stage attack.  In our technical
    writeup, we mention three [Cigital], one prominent one being work done by
    IBM [IBM].  Also see Crispin's new work on PointGuard.  (We expect these
    will be "invented" soon too.)
    With regard to feature performance, a classic criticism against Microsoft is
    that there is a tendency to make hard tradeoffs like "efficiency versus
    security" rather poorly.  Mr. Gates promises to change this when he says "So
    now, when we face a choice between adding features and resolving security
    issues, we need to choose security."  We applaud this sea change and wish
    Microsoft the best in this endeavor.  Unfortunately, Mr. Bray's claim "if
    the security checks perturbed the code such that it was noticeably slower, I
    truly doubt anyone would use [it]." demonstrates the wrong attitude.  Our
    hope is that cooler minds will prevail (go Mike!).
    There is clearly room for improvement in the /GS feature.  We believe that
    you should make use of some of the "extremely well documented" ways of
    protecting the canary, or just drop the whole idea.  If you could "easily
    change" the /GS architecture to thwart our attack, then why the heck didn't
    you?  This is not really rocket science.  Don't make performance against
    security tradeoffs without informing the people who end up using your
    Just for the record, we agree with your stated position that the real
    solution is to educate developers about security.  The book  "Building
    Secure Software" by Viega and McGraw is one decent place to start. [BSS]
    Instead of worrying about protecting flawed native code from exploit, we
    think that Microsoft should take this opportunity to emphasize "managed
    code" and encourage people to adopt this approach.  Java intruduced the
    world to the power of type safe languages.  .NET "managed code" can help
    make this modern approach more pervasive.  (BTW, this from the guy who wrote
    "Java Security" in 1996).
    Code Safely,
    Gary McGraw and Chris Ren
    [Cowan] Automatic Detection and Prevention of Buffer-Overflow Attacks",
    Crispin Cowan, Calton Pu, David Maier, Heather  Hinton, Peat Bakke, Steve
    Beattie, Aaron Grier, Perry Wagle, and Qian Zhang, in the 7th USENIX
    Security Symposium, San  Antonio, TX. January 1998.
    [Phrack] Bypassing Stackguard And Stackshield
    [Bray] How Visual C++ .NET Can Prevent Buffer Overruns
    [Cigital] Microsoft Compiler Flaw Technical Note
    [IBM] GCC Extension For Protecting Applications From Stack-Smashing Attacks
    [BSS] John Viega and Gary McGraw "Building Secure Software", Addison-Wesley
    2001.   <>

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