Two new white papers

From: David Litchfield (davidat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 10:18:16 PST

  • Next message: Todd Sabin: "Re: IIS SMTP component allows mail relaying via Null Session"

    I've written two white papers for anyone interested.
    One discusses non-stack based buffer overflow exploitation on the
    Windows platform. These are easier to write than traditional stack based
    exploits that require the writer to know at least a bit of assembly -
    non-stack exploits don't. I reckon that as time goes on and as more
    products become available to prevent stack based exploits on the Windows
    platform their non-stack alternatives will become considerably more
    The second paper pertains to remotely assessing the configuration of
    Microsoft's IIS web service. Show's how to "read" server responses and
    interpret what they mean and what can be inferred about the remote
    system's configuration.
    These papers and more are available from the NGSSoftware website
    research section:
    David Litchfield

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